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  • Sweden — ORS Consulting

    ORS Consulting (ORS) grundades 2009 som en oberoende och specialiserad leverantör av rådgivningstjänster och utbildning inom industriell riskhantering och vi har idag kontor i Norge, Danmark och Sverige. Inom ORS arbetar våra konsulter som ett team i direkt kommunikation med varandra och med våra kunder som finns i hela världen. LOCATIONS ORS Consulting i Sverige ORS Consulting (ORS) är ett av Skandinaviens ledande konsultföretag inom industriell riskhantering. Sedan starten 2009 har vi stöttat kunder inom både olje- och gasindustri, förnybar energi, kemikalieindustri och försvarsindustri. Våra medarbetare har lång erfarenhet av att arbeta med både svenska regelverk och föreskrifter (exempelvis inom Seveso och LSO) och internationella regelverk och standarder (exempelvis inom funktionssäkerhet). Några exempel där vi har stöttat svenska verksamheter under de senaste åren är: Riskhantering inom traditionell kemikalieindustri/processindustri, exempelvis genom HAZOP, funktionssäkerhet, SIL etc. Löpande rådgivning vid etablering av nya verksamheter och vidareutveckling av befintliga verksamheter inom kemikalieindustri, förnybar energi och försvarsindustri, exempelvis genom grovriskanalyser, installationsriskanalyser, operatörsanalyser etc. Rådgivning i samband med förnyelse av tillstånd för hantering av brandfarlig vara, tillstånd för hantering av explosiva ämnen, uppdatering av säkerhetsrapport i förbindelse med Seveso etc. Vi etablerade vårt första kontor i Malmö 2009, och sedan 2022 har vi även kontor i Stockholm och Göteborg. Vi letar alltid efter fler duktiga medabetare för att stärka upp vårt team, läs gärna mer på vår karriärsida ! Isabella Bergström Department Manager, ORS Stockholm Katarina Linde Country Manager, ORS Sweden MALMÖ, SWEDEN Katarina Linde +46 73 62 53 705 Södergatan 14, 211 34 Malmö, Sweden COMPANY REG NO. 559330-0949 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Isabella Bergström Gävlegatan 12B, 113 30 Stockholm, Sweden COMPANY REG NO. 559330-0949 GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN Katarina Linde +46 73 62 53 705 Läraregatan 3, 14, 411 33 Göteborg, Sweden COMPANY REG NO. 559330-0949 FIND OUT HOW WE CAN WORK TOGETHER CONTACT US

  • 404 Error Page | ORS Consulting

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  • Using Fault Tree Analysis for SIL determination

    ORS expert Dr. Esteban Bernechea talks about using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to perform determination of Safety Integrity Level (SIL) for complex scenarios which may require a more complex modelling that allowed by other techniques such as LOPA or RiskGraph. Finished Using Fault Tree Analysis for SIL determination ORS expert Dr. Esteban Bernechea talks about using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to perform determination of Safety Integrity Level (SIL) for complex scenarios which may require a more complex modelling that allowed by other techniques such as LOPA or RiskGraph. WATCH REPLAY

  • RAM Analysis - The Objective and Methodology of Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Analysis.

    Learn more about RAM ( Reliability, Availability and Maintainability) Analysis from ORS Industry Experts. SERVICES Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) Analysis Objective of RAM Analysis Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM) are system design attributes that can have a substantial impact on the lifecycle cost and performance of an engineered system. The purpose of RAM Analysis is to ensure high production performance while maintaining high safety and quality level in any given industrial operation. The objective of the RAM analysis is to provide decision support towards i.e.: Predicted production performance and project economics; Key production loss contributors; Maintenance strategy and spare part philosophy; Alternative technical or operational solutions (sensitivity studies); Main uncertainties related to production performance; Recommendations for improved production performance. Methodology for RAM Studies At its core, RAM studies entail representing a complex reality with a simplified model allowing for various types of analyses. Such a model can be used to predict performance and manage uncertainties. Results from the analyses should be used to give sound and unbiased decision support, as well as identify bottlenecks and main contributors to reduced performance and/or increased risk. 1.Establish Study Basis Identification of key assumptions and associated degrees of uncertainty is considered vital in order to effectively produce as realistic and accurate results as possible, and for giving input to sensitivity analyses that might be necessary to cater for uncertainties. The key assumptions will be documented in the RAM model study basis. Assumptions are typically categorized in technical, operational and analytical assumptions. Close cooperation with different disciplines in the project is necessary to ensure an understanding of the process and operation that results in a robust and realistic basis for the RAM model. Because of this, it is proposed to arrange for a work meeting or similar with relevant disciplines when establishing the RAM model study basis. 2.Required Input A good understanding of the system to be analyzed is important for the RAM analysis to obtain as accurate results as possible. Typical client input for RAM analyses include: System description; System schematics; P&IDs; Operational Philosophy. In addition to the above, one of the main premises for performing a successful RAM analysis is the use of appropriate reliability data. Application of data from literature and databases should always be thoroughly evaluated, to validate their relevance for the context in question. Reliability data sources include client experience data, OREDA and the PDS handbook. ORS has access to a wide range of reliability data sources. A Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) if available is also a good input for the RAM analysis, especially for complex systems to give an accurate basis for system modelling. 3.Establish RAM Model and Run Simulations The RAM model study basis is used to establish the RAM model, typically represented by reliability block diagrams (RBDs). The Monte Carlo method is normally used for the RAM model simulations to produce uncertainty ranges and confidence levels for the estimates. ORS uses the software Miriam RAM Studio for this purpose. 4.Analyze the Results The results from the simulation are analyzed and reported depending on the objective of the RAM study in the best way to create value to the client, ,with some examples shown below. Success rate probability distribution

  • ​Introduction to Barrier and SECE Management

    Mastering Barrier and SECE Management Webinar - ORS Consulting Finished Introduction to Barrier and SECE Management Managing barriers and safety-critical elements (SECE) is crucial in preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of operations. However, the process of identifying hazards, analyzing barriers, and verifying their performance can be complex and challenging. WATCH REPLAY In this webinar, we will introduce the Barrier/SECE Management Framework, including Hazard identification, Barrier/Bowtie Analysis, barrier/safety strategy, and performance standards. We will also discuss the link/interface between SECE and CMMS and share our experience in constructing CMMS logic to manage barriers/SECE. Additionally, we will share our experience in verifying barriers in operation. Our presenters, Per Ståle, Katarina, and Terje, are experts in their fields and will share their insights and experiences with you.

  • 5 essentials for understanding process HAZOPs

    Enhance safety and minimize risk in your organization with our webinar replay on 5 Essentials for Understanding Process HAZOPs. Watch now. Finished 5 essentials for understanding process HAZOPs Is your company involved in design or operation of facilities involving process systems? Are you participating in a process HAZOP, responsible for organizing it, or curious what it is all about? We have given you the replies to the five Ws, for HAZOP: Who, What, When, Where and Why. WATCH REPLAY In this webinar, Rikard Davidsen from ORS Consulting presents the 5 Essentials of Process HAZOPs. The presenter discusses five Ws, for HAZOP: Who, What, When, Where, and Why, and gives practical advice to help you understand what’s involved in HAZOPs and how to unlock their benefits.

  • Barrier Management – Aquaculture in Exposed Areas

    Watch the replay of our webinar on Barrier Management - Aquaculture in Exposed Areas to learn expert tips and insights for enhancing safety and productivity in your aquaculture operations. Don't miss out on this valuable information - watch the replay now. Finished Barrier Management – Aquaculture in Exposed Areas Meet ORS Consulting and learn more about us, our services and take a dive into barrier management applied to aquaculture in exposed areas. In this lunch webinar Per Ståle Larsen from ORS Consulting will share lessons learned from risk and barrier management on fish farming concepts intended for operation in exposed areas WATCH REPLAY The webinar continues with a Q&A session held by Thomas Fylking and Morten Nilstad Pettersen to reply to all HAZOP-related questions.

  • ABOUT US | ORS Consulting

    Learn about ORS Consulting, a leader in risk management advisory services, including barrier management, process safety and SIL, system reliability and availability, and safety and compliance. COMPANY OVERVIEW LOCATIONS OUR VALUES ORS Consulting The preferred risk-based industrial advisory partner OUR STORY BY THE DIGITS 15+ YEARS IN BUSINESS 200+ CLIENTS SERVED 2000+ PROJECTS COMPLETED COMPANY OVERVIEW Founded in 2009 in Malmö, Sweden, ORS Consulting is a risk and safety consultancy dedicated to helping industrial asset owners prevent process-related accidents and improve uptime. Our mission is to provide to the point advisory services that support decision-making and optimization. COMPANY TIMELINE LOCATIONS ORS Consulting has business units and offices in Denmark , Norway , Sweden , Türkiye and the UK . We work as One Team by combining local presence with a strong and global team of risk and safety specialists. OUR VALUES Our Vision The preferred risk-based industrial advisory partner. Our Guiding Principles One Team Working together with cross-formed teams based on competence and availability To the Point Zero-based approach to stay focused, avoid fancy and simply deliver quality Client-oriented Creating value with long-term focus, combining expertise and excellent client service HOW CAN WE HELP? We are here to assist you. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, comments or inquiries you may have. We value your feedback and look forward to hearing from you. Contact us

  • Introduction to RAM studies - how can it add value?

    Unlock RAM Success! Join experts from ORS Consulting for insights, tips, and real-life examples. Secure your spot now! Finished Introduction to RAM studies - how can it add value? WATCH REPLAY

  • Environmental Risk Assessment (ENVID) - ORS Consulting

    Learn more about what is Environmental Risk Assessment (ENVID) and why to perform it, from ORS Consulting Experts. SERVICES Environmental Risk Assessment (ENVID) What is ENVID? Environmental Impact Identification (ENVID) is a structured examination of environmental aspects for a facility for early identification of environmental concerns that may affect environment. The outcome of an ENVID is used to optimize the design and operational philosophy to minimize environmental impact. An ENVID is typically performed as a multi-discipline workshop. Why perform an ENVID? ENVID study is performed to; Identify acute or continuous sources of emission, discharge and waste for an asset or activity; Identify mitigating measures included in design to minimize environmental impact; Propose further mitigating measures to prevent, reduce or control identified sources of emission, discharge and waste; ENVID Study Methodology The ENVID study is carried out as a multidisciplinary workshop with participants from relevant disciplines and operational personnel. The workshop comprises of discussion of environmental hazards consequences, and typically including a coarse risk assessment for each hazard raised, practice and procedures and barrier elements (the corresponding control and mitigation measures). The ENVID review follows a methodology analogous to a Hazard Identification (HAZID) . The ENVID applies a set of guidewords suitable for identification of hazards and sources of emission, discharge and waste. Some examples of ENVID parameters and guidewords: Contact ORS Consulti ng to identify the potential environmental risks associated with your project.

  • Safety and Compliance — ORS Consulting

    Safety Management is a fundamental activity for all projects and asset operations. Regardless of industries, a project needs to fulfill technical risk-related requirements from local and regional authorities, international standards, and end clients. Navigating the complexity of regulatory compliance requires both experience and a specific skillset in safety management. SERVICES Safety and Compliance Up Anchor 1 Safety Management a fundamental activity for all projects and asset operations. Regardless of industries, a project needs to fulfil technical risk related requirements from local and regional authorities, international standards and end clients. Navigating the complexity of regulatory compliance requires both experience and a specific skillset in safety management. ORS frequently supports projects, from early concept to, and including, operational phase with safety management. This includes activities such as: Establish the regulatory framework that defines all relevant legal and contractual requirements; Prepare a HSE road map for a project or throughout asset lifecycles; Follow-up and manage technical risk management activities. This includes liaison with various stakeholders and contractors, follow-up of third-party studies, ensuring involvement from all relevant disciplines, and ensuring continuity in the risk management activities. Safety and Compliance Related Studies Project Risk Assessment Project risk assessment is a hands-on application of risk management to ensure that a project is meeting its targets in terms of cost, schedule and HSE. It includes identification of project risks, continuous monitoring and adjustments, as well as identification of measures to control the risk. Project risk assessment allows businesses to make the best choice from the available options needed to achieve a project’s objective. Risk-based interface management Risk-based interface management involves defining, controlling, and communicating information needed to make unrelated services, processes, or equipment co-function. Risk-based interface management assesses and mitigates the possible risks when working with contractors, subcontractors, and clients. Operational Readiness Review An Operational Readiness Review (ORR) is a thorough, proof-based appraisal of the project state before entering operation. ORRs are undertaken to ensure that all activities during engineering process are completed, all critical systems been tested and validated and confirm correct handover to operations. The ORR is a final validation to ensure a safe transition to operational phase for project deliverables. Cybersecurity risk assessment Cybersecurity Risk Assessment serves as a pivotal section of the modern company. Modern companies tend to create operations on a technological platform and, as such, are exposed to the risk of hackers and loss of data. Cybersecurity risk assessment is performed to expose an organization’s vulnerabilities to such attacks and provide solutions. Regulatory Compliance In all industries, all businesses needs to comply with regulations from local and regional authorities, industry standards and requirements from end clients within the area of safety and HSEQ. Regulatory compliance is a continuous activity ensuring that relevant requirements are identified, and that the correct decisions are made to avoid delays, business interruptions or accelerated costs. HSE Road Map The HSE Road Map is an activity and document prepared in the initial phase of a project to ensure that the regulatory requirements are identified and that the technical risk management activities are planned to ensure efficient project execution and compliance with HSE-related requirements. Safety Strategy The Safety Strategy is a cornerstone of safety design in a project, and is comparable with a technical design basis of a project. The safety strategy links hazard identification, risk analyses, safety studies, and the technical safety design, demonstrating that adequate safety barriers are in place. Find Out How We Can Work Together CONTACT US Latest Insights Ensure Safe Electrical Systems: Risk Assessments Guide Assessing Cybersecurity Risks for ICS/OT as a Part of Process Safety Management What is a Procedure HAZOP? MORE INSIGHTS

  • Barrier Management — ORS Consulting

    ORS Consulting provides leading third-party integrity management solutions, including barrier strategy development, bow-tie analysis, risk-based maintenance, and Integrated Design Review (IDR). SERVICES Barrier Management Up Anchor 1 Barrier management is a framework for the identification of major accident risks and continuous risk management throughout a complete asset lifecycle. Integrity management ensures that systems, operational procedures, and organizations perform their function effectively and efficiently to avoid incidents and accidents. Integrity management comprises a variety of risk assessments, including barrier management, integrated design reviews, risk-based maintenance, and obsolescence management. ORS Consulting is a leading third-party integrity management solutions provider. We are helping businesses and facilities perform barrier strategy development, bow-tie analysis, risk-based maintenance and Integrated Design Review (IDR), amongst others. Barrier Management Related Studies Barrier Strategy Development Barrier strategy development involves establishing a strategy for how a project or asset operation will manage the accident risk, and to ensure that barriers are designed and maintained to ensure an acceptable risk level. Bow-tie Analysis Bow tie diagrams are powerful tools for managing major accident hazards and communication of key risk drivers. It typically involves creating a bow-tie diagram, which illustrates the chain of causes and consequences related to a hazard, and its barriers and mitigating measures. Performance Standards Performance standards are requirement specifications established for barrier functions or elements, as input for design and operation of a system. Among others, performance standards can give requirements related to reliability, maintenance and operability. Risk-based Maintenance Risk-based maintenance (RBM) is a maintenance strategy that prioritizes risk-sensitive systems and machinery, applicable for all industries. An RBM helps businesses to plan maintenance processes based on the probability of failure, possible effects (consequences), and calculated costs. Barrier Management System Implementation Barrier management system implementation involves establishing and maintaining barriers in a facility so that risks can be managed and operational excellence can be achieved. It involves establishing place technical, operational and organizational barriers against major accidents or incidents, and ensure that the barriers are maintained throughout the asset lifecycle. Optimization of Test Intervals The probability of failure of machinery or safety critical systems largely depends on the frequency of testing or preventive maintenance. Optimization of test intervals involves determining the optimum maintenance or test tasks that ensures high reliability, and at the same time minimizing downtime. Optimization of test intervals is typically performed in conjunction with performance monitoring of Safety Instrumented Systems. Obsolescence Management Obsolescence describes a situation in which a part, equipment, or service is no longer available even when it is still needed. Obsolescence management helps organizations to forecast, monitor, and plan when they are at risk of having obsolete parts, service, or equipment. It helps to reduce the risks associated with obsolescence. Root Cause Analysis Root cause describes a factor that caused a non-conformance in a system, component, or organization. A root cause analysis (RCA) is a problem-solving process that is used to identify these factors and provide approaches to preventing them. It may also provide means of responding to them. Integrated Design Reviews (IDR) Integrated Design Review (IDR) is a method used to scrutinize project interface, and is efficient for projects and assets with multiple stakeholders. This methodology focuses on the functionality of an integrated facility, and it aims to mitigate risks and ensure safe and efficient operations in these facilities. Risk-based Inspection (RBI) Risk-based inspection (RBI) involves quantitative and qualitative assessment of the probability of failure, possible consequences, and costs associated with systems and machinery. The information obtained from this assessment help business to determine design flaws and potential damages, as well as the location of possible dangers resulting from failures. Find Out How We Can Work Together CONTACT US Latest Insights Ensure Safe Electrical Systems: Risk Assessments Guide Assessing Cybersecurity Risks for ICS/OT as a Part of Process Safety Management What is a Procedure HAZOP? MORE INSIGHTS

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