Technical risk management is the set of activities to identify hazards and assess and manage risks. Technical risk management is a fundamental part of all sectors and industries where incidents and accidents can cause harm to personnel, environment, asset, or reputation. The main activities within this area are:
Technical risk advisory throughout a project or asset operation to ensure that safety design minimizes harm to personnel, environment, and asset, and meets regulatory requirements;
Risk-based workshops for identification of hazards in a multi-discipline and collaborative environment;
Performing risk analysis to establish risk picture, based on the frequency and consequence assessment, and benchmark with acceptance criteria.

Technical Safety and Risk Related Studies
Escape, EvaCuation, and Rescue (EER)
Escape Evacuation and Rescue (EER) strategy and assessments ensure that a facility is designed and operated away allowing safety for personnel during the evacuation, availability of muster areas, the quick rescue of personnel, and controlled evacuation.
Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRA)
A QRA is a method to calculate and evaluate the frequency and consequences of the major accident hazards for a facility. The resulting risk picture is benchmarked with acceptance criteria and is efficient for ensuring a safe and robust design, as well as compliance with regulatory requirements.
Gas Dispersion, Explosion and Fire Assessment
Process plant layout and mechanical design need to be robust to minimize escalation if a loss of containment occurs. ORS has state of the art software solutions and expertise for the assessment of dispersion, explosion, and fire (pool, jet, and spray fires) and the ability to interface this with blowdown and flare assessment to minimize the likelihood of vessel rupture in the event a release occurs elsewhere on the plant
Safety Case
A safety case is a demonstration of how health and safety hazards are managed for a facility. This requires systematic identification of hazards, evaluation of consequences and implementation of risk reducing measures to meet As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) principles.
Hazard Identification (HAZID) and Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies are structured multi-discipline workshops in order to identify hazards for a system design, evaluate the consequences for safety, environment, and asset, and identify measures to reduce the risk. A HAZOP is typically performed for process systems with a potential for loss of containment. Learn more>
Electrical Hazard and Identification (EHAZOP) is similar to HAZOP with regards to identifying hazards and operability issues. However, unlike HAZOP, EHAZOP focuses only on electrical systems. A Control Hazard and Operability Study (CHAZOP) covers programmable control systems (e.g. PLC and SCADA) and IT systems.
A Safety and Operability Study (SAFOP) is commonly carried prior to operations to identify hazards, evaluate consequences and define mitigating mesures to avoid accidents and incidents.
WHAT-IF analysis is a structured analytic technique used to determine what systems, activities, operations can go wrong in a facility based on different scenarios. Based on the answers to the what-if questions, a facility can then judge the consequences of the activities that can go wrong.
Environmental Risk Assessment (ENVID)
An ENVID study helps facilities identify and manage risks related to harm to the environment. It is effective for analyzing waste storage and disposal, emissions, discharge of hazardous substances, as well as the environmental impact of operations. Learn more >
Working Environment Health Risk Assessment (WEHRA)
A WEHRA study assesses the risks to the health and safety of persons working in a facility based on factors such as noise, vibration, illumination, harsh weather or exposure to chemicals or harmful substances. A WEHRA is efficient to identify measures to achieve an acceptable working environment.